Saturday, November 10, 2007

ChOcOlAtE DaY!!!!

Tanawa c summer ... monster na jud.. hehehe... laliman ka ug g-kinamot ang ice cream.. hehehe.... but its ok.. kay almost 4 days cya nag-fever.. wa gana mo-eat... hehehe... pag-ka-au kaon jud dayon ug ice cream... hehehe...

Monday, November 5, 2007

My MaRrYiNg AgE.... FaEt 29 y.o.!!!


[ ] I know how to make a cup of coffee.
[x] I keep track of dates using a calendar.
[ ] I own more than one credit card.
[ ] I know how to change the oil in my car/bike.
[ ] I do my own laundry.
[x] I vote every election.
[ ] I can cook for myself.
[x] I think politics is exciting.
[ ] I balance my checkbook.
[ ] My parents have better things to say than my friends.

total: 3

[x] I show up for school/colleg e/work every day early.
[x] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse
[ ] I've never gotten a detention.
[x] I have never smoked a cigarette.
[x] I have never gotten completely trashed.
[ ] I have forgotten my own birthday at least once.
[x] I like to take walks by myself.
[x] I've watched talk shows.
[x] I know what 'credibility' means without looking it up.
[ ] I drink coffee at least once a week.

total: 7

[x] I know how to do the dishes
[x] I can count 1 to 10 in another language.
[x] When I say I'm going to do something I do it.
[x] My parents trust me.
[ ] I can mow the lawn.
[x] I can make adults laugh without being stupid.
[ ] I remember to water the plants.
[x] I study when I have to.
[x] I pay attention at school/college.
[x] I remember to feed my pets.

total: 8

[x] I can spell 'experience' without looking it up
[ ] I work out on a regular basis.
[x] I clean up my own mess.
[ ] The people at Gloria Jeans know me by name.
[ ] my favorite kind of food is takeout.
[x ]I have gained weight since middle/high school.
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get caffeine.
[ ] I cant go out of the store without getting something I don't need.
[x]I understand political jokes the first time they are said.
[x]I can type quickly.

tota l: 5

[x] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour.
[ ] My only friends are from my place of employment.
[ ]I have been to a Tupperware party(my mom made me do it)
[x] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[ ]I have more bills that I can pay.
[ ] Most of my friends are older than I am.
[x]I can say no to staying out all night.
[x] I use the internet every day.
[x]My wardrobe hasn't changed for a while.
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it.

total: 6

add up all the numbers and repost
this as: MY MARRYING AGE IS...

Friday, November 2, 2007

HaLlOwEeN TrEaT!!!

my dad's treat for the Halloween.... a big pizza and my fav spaghetti.... even in a heavy rain ... my brother mic & i went to Bun's and pizza to buy food.. and bwala ...

kaon2x nah!!! hehehe...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

tRiCk oR TrEaT....

whaa.... ni kuyog ko ug trick or treat sa sm nila ni summer, Gabriel ug Anica.... nag-pa-picture cla with jollibee ug ang yaya ni Anica na nag-sleep.. hehehe..

super ka daghan au ug mga pipz sa SM.. super ka daghan... iluganay ug mga candies.. mura bah ug di kapalit ug usa ka putos na candy....
then g-career gud sa uban pipz ang ila costume kay .. bsan bata kay puno ug mga silver dust kay gold diay to... naa pud cute au na mga bata.. actually triplets in their angel outfit... and there's ninja Gabriel, princess Anica and Moo girl summer.... hehehe...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


CoOl ViDeO!!!


grrr..... i'm sooooo mad today. as in.

C summer wa man kaha gud natulog karon na adlaw... gkapoy kay ko. after nako nag-hugas plato... gpa-bantay btaw ko ni summer.. abi nako mo sleep na di pa bitaw... nag-lagot gud ox... bwesit man gud amo 2 ka agav ug ngo na mga maids.. ni uli na wala'y ka puli.. ako na noon tanan diri..

hahay!!! basin next week naa na mi maid... hehehe

Sunday, October 28, 2007

BrGy. eLEcTiOns...

I never expected that Brgy. Elections could be as chaotic as the national elections... there's so many people giving sample ballots (w/c is Illegal) on my way to the school .. i asked someone to tell me where this particular room and he's so kind and gave me the direction but to my surprise, he gave me sample ballot for a particular candidate and said: "o dai, kopyaha ni huh?" as if, i don't know my right. DUH?! I accepted it and went to my precinto... i did my stuff.. voting and etc... (i never voted for that politician in the sample ballot.hehehe) before I went home, I bought bibingka... yummy yummy!!!! hehehe...

manga-on ta nah?.... hehehe.... I


whaa.... karon pako naka edit2x sa ako page dah...

I would like to thank Mai2x - theassassinwithin for the inspiration para mo-nindot pa ug au ako page.. bsan d pareha sa imo but i'm trying.... hehehe...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

ThE HandWrItTeN PoSt

Hehe... dugay nako wala ka-open diri sa akong blog dah!!! kung wa ko txc ni pud ko ug HANDWRITTEN POST.. d ko ka open diri.. hehehe... everyday man unta ko man-internet.. cge lang .. starting today, kay post nako ug blogs... hehehe

Thursday, August 23, 2007


once you open this,
You have tenminutes to repost with the ONE number that fits you best
or you will be single for the next five years.

1..... Single.
2..... Heartbroken.
3..... Single and loving it.
4..... Want to tell someone you likethem.
5..... Crushing.
6..... Like someone you can never haveprobably.
7..... eaten animal crackers for dinner
8..... Taken by the best girl/boy ever.
9..... Missing her.
10..... Missing him.
11... Single but my heart is taken.
12....Like over 4 girls/guys.
13... Sick of getting hurt.
14... its watever
15... Confused.
16... Still love your ex.
17... Talkin to someone.
18... afraid to say i love you
19... I am just a power ranger.
20... Slightly mad at the opposite sex.
21... I'm a fighter
22... Just don't know what to do.
23...Like someone dat likes u back butnot going out
24... You sometimes think that your ajedi in training
25..... you faught a koala and lost

Monday, July 2, 2007

mE MhA SeLf & My BoRiNg LiFe!!

40 secrets about Me

40 secrets about yourself.
be honest no matter what.

[one] what is your natural hair color?
* black

[two] where is your default picture
* sa Hauz

[three] what's your middle name?
* buhawe

[four] your current relationship
* single lang ghapon... walang katapusang single

[five] does your crush like you back?
*ambot niya.... mayta...

[six] what is your current mood?
* happy =) nalingaw ... chat sad ming
xyza now...

[seven] what color underwear are you
* hmmm... yellow ...

[eight] what makes you happy?
* shopping???....

[ten] if you could go back in time and
change something, what would you
* wala, I'm happy and Contented...

[eleven] if you must be an animal for
one day, what would you be?
* probably a dolphin... yah, a dolphin
same ming xyza... i love dolphins.hehehe

[twelve] ever had a near death
* NO, God.forbid

[thirteen] something you do a lot?
* browsing the net, watch tv (same
nsad ming xyza), making scrapbook, ug
uban pa..

[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
* sexyback by justin T., hay pagkaimal
na lang man gud niya...

[fifteen] who did you copy and paste
this from?
* xYzA!!!

[sixteen] name someone with the same
birthday as you?
* wala koy na hibaw-an...

[seventeen] when was the last time you
* death of my gradma...

[eighteen] have you ever sung in front
of a large audience?
* yah, b4 sa usa ka ma-anindot na adlaw....

[nineteen] if you could have one super
power what would it be?
* ImMoRtAL....

[twenty] what's the first thing you
notice about the opposite sex?
* the face....

[twenty-one] what do you usually order
from starbucks?
* ay... its too expensive can i choose thirsty instead?..

[twenty-two] what's your biggest
* its would No lOngeR Be A SeCrEt if I ToLd YoU..

[twenty-three] favorite colors?
* pink & Yellow

[twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy
movies or tv shows?
* yah! barbie and jackie

[twenty-six] what are you eating or
drinking at the moment?
* wala nag-fasting ko karon kay tambok

[twenty-seven] do you speak any other
* hahaha!!! ai o oi... kahinaw ko
mo-english, tagalog...

[twenty-eight] what's your favorite
* pink of victoriasecret..

[twenty-nine] If you could describe
your life in one word what would it
* simple

[thirty] when was the last time you
gave/received a hug?
* june 16

[thirty-one] have you ever kissed in
the rain?
* nope, nahan unta gani ko... maybe next
tym mo rain...

[thirty-two] what are u thinking right
* what to answer in this Q & A...

[thirty-three] what should you be
* nothing

[thirty-four] what was the last thing
that made you upset/angry?
* d mo-undang ug hilak c summer...

[thirty-five] how often do you pray?
* ayaw lang ang how often, basta mo-pray
ko gkan gud from the deepest deepest
part of my heart...

[thirty-six] do you like working in the
* nope

[thirty-seven] if you could have any
last name in the world, what would you
* timberlake pwede? but i love my family
name, though:)

[thirty-eight] do you act differently
around your crush?
* HeLL yah!

[thirty-nine] name one song that
reminds you of an ex?
* wala, kay wala paman koy EX kay wa pa
gani ko current, EX na bah!~!!!

[forty] who was the last person to make
you cry?
* wala....

> repost as: [forty] secrets about me

Thursday, June 21, 2007


hahay!!! unsa man ako buhaton sa akong life today oi! nag-kibog ko...
katong wala pako ni graduate ug college.... i'm so excited sa graduation.. karon na mana nako ug skul.... how i've misssed skul... my classmates... the chickas...... the laughters.... the hardshipss.... but most especially the ALLOWANCE....

Hahay!!!! ..... kung di ko mo-lakaw wala koy alllowance.. but if i go out for laag.... whose gonna come with me.... some of my classmates now, are busy applying for the call center and others went home to their provinces... while i, am bored ... with capital B... hehehe..... i don't have money to buy new dvds or go on shopping.... hehehe.....

manlaag tawon ta ninyo.... hehehe....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


hahay... pag-kakapoi sa day.. grabe ang exam super ka taas... gyopak nagud ko ug basa... pero glanng kay naka 72% ko sa duha ka exam and 1 kay dako2x pud ako kuha... hehehe... mayta pirmi na na daku ko ug kuha kada exam.. hehehe...

Monday, May 21, 2007

SaPoT Ko!!!

hahay... d man mo-add dritso ang video sa youtube oi!!! ... error done.... i don't know na-unsa na ni oi...nag-lagot nako... kamo nalang tanaw sa video sa akong brothers sa busay.... youtube, isearch : ratratan sa busai hehehe....

Sunday, May 20, 2007

SaYaNgA Oi!!!!

Ever since i was a young girl, CHAR!! i am always fascinated with guns, war games, and etc. I even had this carzy dream of serving the military because of the THRILL but you know me, I'm very kikay and all .... hehehe.... and recently my brothers are into Airsofts... Everyday I always tell them, to let me join their team, but sadly i have no gun, no gear and they said the balas are very painful. I don't care. this morning they went to the war field and i was not there cause i have review.... i can't just be absent on my review. i know my priorities... but since the class was cut short i would have tried to go to busay but i did not.. instead i went to tabo and do some girly stuff...

sayanga oi!!!! i told my self when they arrived. Maypa ni apas ko.. as if ka-tol2x ko.. hehehe...anyway naa paman lain na time.... basin sunod maka-apil nako... WaT ChU TiNk???.....

kani mao akong bro... c mic2x... huhu.. wa ko kuyoga...

migo diay ni nila mic2x. hehehe...


may gani half day ra amo review karon... hehehe... naka-adto pako sa tabo nag-shopping. char mura pud ko ug daghan ug money.. hehehe... btaw gi-tiguman gud ko nako. kay mag-civilian bya me always during review. mag-balik2x na akong blouse. hehehe.... may gani kahibaw nako mo -sakay pauli diri sa talamban... hehehe....

pag-abot nako sa hauz. sad kaau kay amo dog kay nag-luya ambot ngano... dina siya mo-ambak2x kung mo abot name... wa man gud namo na adto sa vet. basin ugma. heheh...

Friday, May 18, 2007

oH LiFe!!!!

hahay!!! karon na week noh? pasta gud na yopak! super, as in, pila diri pila didto sa prc and all those stuff. hehehe.... but i must say, i am so thankful sa amo ci na nitabang namo... heheh.... and karon, mana ko ug process sa application for the xam... review nalang akong huna-huna-on.
Pag-review namo about Pedia ( summary ) last wed.... about sa growth and development... naka ingon ko. DAMN! fixated diay ko... heheh... ever since bata pa ko, i always think that i don't want to feel any pain.. sometimes i joke-joke ko with my friends nga mabaw ra ko ug pain threshold. char! hehehe....i always put a very huge wall sa ako na friends para kung mag-kabulag2x name, it won't be so hard to move on...
they say i'm independent... well yeah in a way , but i am just this little tiny girl that needs someone, who would take good care of her, listened to her and etc.
they say i have a strong personality. well i could say, i have that trait ever since i was young because i don't want anybody to see me cry, cause for me crying is a sign of weakness. but later, I realized that it is not, there's no harm in crying ... it's just a way of expressing your feelings. WOW DRAMA... and ingon sila na magkawrinkles daw ko ana. so ako g-try ug change... heheh.. now, mag-crying moments nako, heheh... bsan sa mga shows sa tv... mag-hilak2x nako.. hahahaa.... pero haH? wala ko na boang hah? heheh....
sa sunod nalang pud ang uban traits nako hah? kay mag-study pako. CHAR! hehehe... bitaw, serious nako sa akong pag-tuon para ma-nurse na intawon ko... hehehe...